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Enrollment Information

Our Mission:

Heritage Barber Institute forms independent professionals with a culture of excellence in the field of Barbering while providing students with the curriculum, theory, and practical experience to pass the examinations required by the Arizona State Board of Barbers to obtain the barber License and/or Barber Instructor License

Programs Available

Admission Requirements 

  • Complete and submit Enrollment Application 

  • Tour the school and meet with school personnel

  • Submit proof of age, high school credits, proof of legal status and 2 photos

  • Registration fee

  • Submit any transcripts (if applicable) 


(If you are coming in as a Cosmo Crossover student or applying for your Instructor license the only admission requirement would be a new passport style photo)


These are the uniforms that every student is required to wear. We have a great system here at HBI where we track the students' progress through the color of their uniforms.

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